I suspect the fact that I was conceived when my parents took three months off to cart my brother and sister around Europe has something to do with my wanderlust. Happily I have been able to marry an ability to string a sentence or two together with a talent for the intricacies of reading train timetables in obscure Italian towns, negotiating border posts with dollar-hungry customs officials in Guatemala and learning to read a city map like a pro.
Food is a big part of what I do and happily travelling to foreign climes invariably results in sampling new flavours and ingredients. From hot and spicy laksa in Borneo to crusty rolls with goats cheese and chorizo in Lisbon, most of my travel memories seem to revolve around the food experiences I have had – which makes writing about them a delicious but hungry business. I came to writing rather late after working in speciality food stores in London and Cape Town but since working out how to open and save a word document some seven years ago, the world has literally felt like my oyster and I never cease to be amazed at the fascinating people, places and things to do and see that are on this planet. I’m am emotional writer – if a place makes me feel good when I eat at, sleep at or visit it, then I’ll recommend it. If I feel ignored or mistreated then I’m afraid it’s off the pages of my little black book.
After working at House and Leisure magazine as their features editor until 2005, I bit the bullet and left for a freelance job and life out of the city. Living in a fishing village like Kalk Bay is a dream come true and it’s hard to feel hard done by when one has views of the harbour from one’s desk. My freelance career has led me to write for magazines as diverse as Elle Decoration, Visi, Femina, Cape Etc, Eat Out, Eat In, Time Out Cape Town, Time Out Western Cape Breaks, Food & Home and Woolworths Taste. I also contribute to a number of international internet trends sites and have written for local newspapers.
Stories Published:
International City Guide: Cape Town
Food is a big part of what I do and happily travelling to foreign climes invariably results in sampling new flavours and ingredients. From hot and spicy laksa in Borneo to crusty rolls with goats cheese and chorizo in Lisbon, most of my travel memories seem to revolve around the food experiences I have had – which makes writing about them a delicious but hungry business. I came to writing rather late after working in speciality food stores in London and Cape Town but since working out how to open and save a word document some seven years ago, the world has literally felt like my oyster and I never cease to be amazed at the fascinating people, places and things to do and see that are on this planet. I’m am emotional writer – if a place makes me feel good when I eat at, sleep at or visit it, then I’ll recommend it. If I feel ignored or mistreated then I’m afraid it’s off the pages of my little black book.
After working at House and Leisure magazine as their features editor until 2005, I bit the bullet and left for a freelance job and life out of the city. Living in a fishing village like Kalk Bay is a dream come true and it’s hard to feel hard done by when one has views of the harbour from one’s desk. My freelance career has led me to write for magazines as diverse as Elle Decoration, Visi, Femina, Cape Etc, Eat Out, Eat In, Time Out Cape Town, Time Out Western Cape Breaks, Food & Home and Woolworths Taste. I also contribute to a number of international internet trends sites and have written for local newspapers.
Stories Published:
International City Guide: Cape Town
The Editorial Team
- Editor-In-Chief Michelle Snaddon
- Executive Editor Denise Hummel
- Travel Editor Robyn Hodson
- Copy Editor Kit Heathcock
- Writer Stephanie Stephens
- Writer Catherine Parker
- Writer Mandy
- Writer Vicki
- Writer Jane Broughton
- Writer Emma Wright
- Writer Nikki Benatar
- Writer Bridget McNulty
- Writer Riekie Human
- Photographer Mark Peddle
- Video Paul Morkel
- Writer Kimberley Lovato
- Writer Shirley de Kock Gueller
- Photographer Steve Hummel
- Photographer Corey Amaro
- Master Coach David Thompson
- Master Coach Dalida Turkovic
- Project Director Patrick
*The contributors' countries listed above,
refer to each individual contributor's current country of residence, whereas
the flag next to their name
nationality, the country where they were born and raised!
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