by Denise Hummel
Can luxury tourism meet responsible tourism? If you're a wealthy traveller from a developed country staying at a high-end destination, are you a voyeur of those less-fortunate? The answer is ‘yes’ and ‘maybe’. There are luxury hotels and destination resorts that make an effort to connect the tourist with the local community in ways that can be meaningful to both the traveller and locals ... read more

Peace Through Tourism
by Denise Hummel
By now we've all heard of eco-tourism, adventure tourism and scholastic tourism, but who ever heard of peace-through-tourism? We have and we're not the only ones. Little by little, tourists are beginning to see travel as a means to understand and respect other cultures, in turn giving locals the opportunity to appreciate those with different understandings and beliefs. After all, there is no better way to bridge the gap between societies, than to experience them ... read more
We are living in a day and age where the media propagates, at times, a feeling that we should be suspicious of those
who differ from ourselves. At JUST THE PLANET we feel a responsibility to promote the opposite mentality. Travel can, and should, be used as an opportunity to embrace differences,
to share with others who we are, and to learn more about their beliefs, customs and habits.
Enjoy our writers' take on what's happening in the world of sustainable tourism to promote peace across cultures and share with us your finds. Remember the old saying, 'if we're not part of the solution, we're part of the problem ...'
'What is Sustainable Tourism?'
'What do they mean by Green Tourism?' 'Whoever heard of Peace Through Tourism?'
Be informed, and happy travels.
Should you have suggestions for our research or ideas that you feel may be relevant to other travellers, please EMAIL US
We'd really like to hear from you.
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness" Mark Twain
Enjoy our writers' take on what's happening in the world of sustainable tourism to promote peace across cultures and share with us your finds. Remember the old saying, 'if we're not part of the solution, we're part of the problem ...'
'What is Sustainable Tourism?'
'What do they mean by Green Tourism?' 'Whoever heard of Peace Through Tourism?'
Be informed, and happy travels.
Should you have suggestions for our research or ideas that you feel may be relevant to other travellers, please EMAIL US
We'd really like to hear from you.
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