It is extraordinary how many people shy away from Vietnam as a holiday destination because of the sense of overwhelming guilt that followed the end of the American War. Speak of it to any Vietnamese person and they'd shrug and tell you to move on – they have. I don't think there is a country less sorry for itself in the world. And this is the very reason it should be celebrated - for its courage... read more

There’s a movie: ... I struggle to remember which one... but I do recall Goldie Hawn turning on the shower and having a cockroach fall off the showerhead into her hair. What ensued was mad-panicked floundering around the bathroom wrapped in the shower curtain, shrieks of hysteria, toe-stubbing, hair-ripping... culminating in loud sobbing and breathing heavily into a paper bag...
So if anyone in the world has ever wished ill
upon me then you have the last laugh. It's
called Guatemala... read more

I have the extremely fortunate job of leading adventure tours in remote countries around the globe. In this case I was sent to the Azores, nine tiny little islands belonging to Portugal, somewhere in the middle of the great Atlantic Ocean… easy to find in your atlas if you were to draw a straight line from Lisbon to New York. The archipelago sits about a third of the way across... read more
Vietnam to the Azores
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